
Positive and Negative effect of gaming

  Positive and negative effect of online video gaming addiction As you all know that, playing online games is a trend now. You can not find people who haven’t played online games in their entire life. One thing we know that is playing online games will bring eye stress to the players. The actual truth is playing online games will have both positive and negative effects. Let us discuss them in detail. Positive Effects of Online Gaming Enhances the Cognitive Functions  – The online gamers can improve their cognitive functions by playing online games. The combination of focus and the surges of neurotransmitters will strengthen the neural circuits that make the brain. Decision-Making and Accuracy  – The online gamers can able to make the quick decision. Online gaming trains the brain to take quick decisions without losing the precision. Without any doubt, you can play these games in order to make quick & accurate judgments. Hand and Eye Function  – It is needless to mention that, the o

How to avoid gaming addiction

  7 steps on how to avoid video gaming addiction Video game addiction is very real and very detrimental to one’s health. People addicted to playing video games spend between 20 and 40 hours a week (some even more) in front of a console, neglecting their life outside of the virtual world. Now that we know why video game addiction happens, let’s learn how to prevent it. Look at these steps, study them, and give it your best to follow them. Accept that you have an addiction.  This is the first step that you need to make. There are numerous ways in which you can objectively check whether you suffer from video game addiction. One of these are online tests and questionnaires, so don’t hesitate to take one. If you get positive results, accept that you have a problem that you need to address and proceed to take steps to remedy it. Identify how severe it is. How many hours a day do you play video games? Do you go out with friends from time to time? Have you ever called i

Gaming addiction on mental health

  Online gaming addiction effect on mental health Playing online games incessantly is not enough to be recognized as a disease. Instead, mental illness always arises when the players play online games for an extended period to the extent that it affects their daily lives. Therefore, gaming disorder is a “pattern of chronic or repetitive gaming activity,” which causes the players to lose control of their gaming actions; they start considering gaming as a priority over all other interests and behaviour’s, leading to continued playing even though they may suffer from its negative consequences. Such consequences may include disabilities in social life as well as in education and family relationships. Anger or rage If a parent interrupts a gaming session or broadband goes down, what is the reaction? If children or young people respond with anger or rage – including shouting, screaming or physical attacks, then this is something worth noting. Compulsivity Is there a s

Physical sypmtoms of online games

  Physical sypmtoms of playing online games Physical consequences of gaming addiction include carpal tunnel, migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, eating irregularities, and poor personal hygiene. Physical symptoms Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome has long been associated with computer use, so it’s no surprise that it’s a physical symptom of gaming addiction. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused when the main nerve between the forearm and hand is squeezed or pressed. This occurs when the carpal tunnel – the area of the wrist that houses the main nerve and tendons – becomes irritated or swollen. Overuse of a computer mouse can cause such irritation and swelling, as can excessive use of a video game controller. Migraines Migraine headaches typically start in one spot and slowly spread, getting more painful as they progress. In severe cases, the pain can be so extreme that it causes the sufferer to vomit. Light and noise can cause excruciating pain. So

Symptoms of playing online games

  What habit make a gaming addicted Any app be it gaming or a social media app is designed to make the user spend as much time as possible. You must be familiar with the word dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter produced by our body and plays a major role in making us perceive feelings of excitement, pleasure and well-being. Video games eventually become a major stimulator of dopamine in our body as they instil feelings of thrill, winning and validation in our minds. Video games turn into an addiction when an individual resorts to a game to seek these emotions instead of having real-life experiences. (like playing a real sport) They would start refraining from real-life social interactions but would be making online friends with a mindset that the people in their gaming world are the only ones that truly understand them.  The sense of belonging one gets from these gaming platforms is what makes it addictive. There have been multiple cases when an individual has been fou

Addiction of online video game

What is online video gaming addiction? Video game addiction is compulsive or uncontrolled use of video games, in a way that causes problems in other areas of the person's life. Often considered a form of computer addiction or internet addiction  video game addiction has been an increasing concern for parents as video games have become more commonplace and are often targeted at children. Video games include computer games, console games, arcade machine games, and even cell phone, and advanced calculator games. Games can be embedded in social networking sites, such as Facebook. Since the 1950s, gaming has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. Some people are concerned about the long-term effects of video game playing, particularly in children. While research is inconclusive, there does appear to be evidence that video games can be harmful, can increase aggression, and can be addictive.  However, these effects are highly individual and may involve many mo